These images can be reproduced in a variety of sizes, on many different surfaces, including tote bags.
They’re also available on notecards and greeting cards. (Please contact me for details.)
You’ll find these designs and more in my Fine Art America store, which you can access here.
Contact me for suggestions or if you have any questions.

shown here printed on aluminum

shown here printed on aluminum

shown here printed on paper (or canvas) and framed

shown here printed on paper, matted and framed

shown here printed on aluminum

shown here printed on aluminum

shown here printed on aluminum

shown here printed on aluminum
My Flower Head Ladies came into being after I “kaleidoscoped” some of my backyard photographs. And while they stood on their own as art pieces, I believed they would also, eventually, make good backgrounds for additional elements of nature. Having seen numerous formal portraits of women with flowers for heads, I decided to give it a try and place the ladies on my backgrounds. Yes, they’re a riot of color and are definitely blessed with a certain amount of attitude. The torsos are from classic, historical portraits, with a few exceptions where I used torsos from some of my own portraiture. Most of the “heads” are also from my backyard.
I love connecting women and nature. While we’re all a part of the circle of life, women seem to be more grounded in the natural world. According to Ralph Waldo Emerson, “The earth laughs in flowers.” And indeed, flowers bring a smile to almost every face, except those allergic to them, of course. The Flower Head Ladies certainly make me smile. They were so much fun to compose. I paid strict attention to color combinations and ratio of flower to torso. There will be more.
I’m considering making some prints of the Ladies three-dimensional by affixing butterflies or other insects to their heads. (A tiny bee beat me to the punch with Pink Peony Head.) My photographs of the butterflies in our gardens over the years are some of my favorites, and indeed you can see some of them in the Ladies’ backgrounds. I would like to showcase the butterflies as well. The Ladies have proven to be popular as covers of notecards and postcards. If you’re interested in those, send me an email (